B.Sc. Logopädie (B.Sc., Fernstudium)
Typ | Bachelor of Science |
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Studienform | Fernstudium | |
Schwerpunkt | Logopädie | |
Studienbeginn | Jederzeit | |
Dauer | 36 Monate | |
Kosten | 14.739,00€ | |
Sprache | Deutsch |
IU Internationale Hochschule / B.Sc. Logopädie im Detail
Die Logopädie ist im Wandel – nicht zuletzt aufgrund der sehr hohen Anforderungen an die Qualifizierung in den Gesundheitsberufen und der zunehmenden Akademisierungsbestrebungen. Im Mittelpunkt des Studiums steht daher die Reflektion, sowohl von wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen als auch von Prozessen der Entscheidungsfindung in Untersuchung und Therapie. Darüber hinaus geht es um die Verzahnung von neuestem Wissen, gesundheitsökonomischen Gesichtspunkten sowie interdisziplinärer und patientenorientierter Kommunikation mit der eigenen therapeutischen Praxis.
Weitere Berufsbegleitende Studiengänge
Name | Abschluss | Dauer | Kosten |
B.A. Architektur | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Aviation Management | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Bauprojektmanagement | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Betriebswirtschaftslehre | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Customer Experience Management | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Führung | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Business Administration | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Customer Centricity | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Digital Business | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Digitale Betriebswirtschaftslehre | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. E-Commerce | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Entrepreneurship | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Eventmanagement | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Facility Management | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Finanzmanagement | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Fitnessökonomie | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Game Design | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Gerontologie | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Gesundheitsmanagement | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Gesundheitsökonomie | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Growth Hacking | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Heilpädagogik | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Hotelmanagement | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Immobilienmanagement | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Innenarchitektur | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. International Healthcare Management | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. International Management | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Internationales Marketing | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Kindheitspädagogik | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Kommunikationsdesign | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Kultur- und Medienpädagogik | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Logistikmanagement | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Management | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Marketing | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Mediendesign | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Medienmanagement | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Modemanagement | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. New Work | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Online Marketing | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Pädagogik | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Pädagogik für Bildung, Beratung & Personalentwicklung | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Personalmanagement | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Pflegemanagement | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Pflegepädagogik | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Physiotherapie | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Produktdesign | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Produktmanagement | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Projektmanagement | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Public Management | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Public Relations | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Social Media | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Soziale Arbeit | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Sozialmanagement | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Sportmanagement | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. Tourismusmanagement | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.A. UX Design | Bachelor of Arts | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Eng. Bauingenieurwesen | Bachelor of Engineering | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Eng. Elektrotechnik | Bachelor of Engineering | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Eng. Engineering | Bachelor of Engineering | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Eng. Medizintechnik | Bachelor of Engineering | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Eng. Robotics | Bachelor of Engineering | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Eng. Umweltingenieurwesen | Bachelor of Engineering | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Eng. Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Industrie 4.0 | Bachelor of Engineering | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Agrarmanagement | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Angewandte Psychologie | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Applied Artificial Intelligence | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Business Intelligence | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Computer Science | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Cyber Security | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Data Science | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Diätetik | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Ergotherapie | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Ernährungswissenschaften | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. FinTech | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Gesundheitspsychologie | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Informatik | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Kommunikationspsychologie | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Medieninformatik | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Pflege | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Physician Assistant | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Psychologie | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Softwareentwicklung | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
B.Sc. Wirtschaftspsychologie | Bachelor of Science | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
LL.B. Wirtschaftsrecht | Bachelor of Laws | 36 | 14.739,00€ |
LL.M. Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht | Master of Laws | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
LL.M. Vertragsrecht | Master of Laws | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
LL.M. Wirtschaftsrecht | Master of Laws | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Architektur | Master of Arts | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Betriebswirtschaftslehre | Master of Arts | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Coaching | Master of Arts | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Digital Business Management | Master of Arts | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Digital Entrepreneurship | Master of Arts | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Digital Innovation and Intrapreneurship | Master of Arts | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Digital Transformation Management - Gesundheitswesen | Master of Arts | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Digitale Transformation | Master of Arts | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. E-Beratung in der Pädagogik | Master of Arts | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. General Management | Master of Arts | 24 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Gesundheits- und Pflegepädagogik | Master of Arts | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Gesundheitsmanagement | Master of Arts | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Growth Hacking | Master of Arts | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Growth Hacking for Entrepreneurs | Master of Arts | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Heilpädagogik/ Inklusionspädagogik | Master of Arts | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Information Technology Management | Master of Arts | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. International Healthcare Management | Master of Arts | 24 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. International Management | Master of Arts | 24 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Marketingmanagement | Master of Arts | 12 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Online Marketing | Master of Arts | 36 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Personalmanagement | Master of Arts | 12 | 10.099,00€ |
M.A. Soziale Arbeit | Master of Arts | 24 | 10.099,00€ |
M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik | Master of Science | 12 | 10.099,00€ |
MBA Master of Business Administration | Master of Business Administration | 12 | 14.389,00€ |